Part 1 - Nominee

All information entered in part 1 relates to the individual you are nominating for the SA Women of Impact Award.

Max. file size 3MB. Allowed file types .docx, .pdf.
Max. file size 5MB. Allowed file types .jpg, .jpeg, .png.

Which award category are you nominating the nominee for?  

See the Award catergories and descriptions above for more information.

About the nominee  

Please tell us why the nominee deserves to be nominated. The below questions have been set out toalign with the section criteria. Please provide details but limit responses to 200 words.

Maximum 1,000 characters
Maximum 1,000 characters
Maximum 1,000 characters
Maximum 1,000 characters
Maximum 1,000 characters

Nominee Biography  

Up to 150 words. This information will be displayed on the Office for Women website.

Maximum 1,000 characters

Part 2 - Nominated by

All information entered in part 2 relates to the individual submitting the nomination.

Part 3 - Referees

Referees may be contacted for further information if a nominee is shortlisted. Please provide the details of at least one member of the community who know the nominee personally and/or professionally and can comment on their achievements and their impact.

Referee 1

Referee 2 (optional)